Friday, June 21, 2013

Next Chapter

Next ChapterWhen you come to the end of a chapter of a good book, turning the page to reveal the next chapter's title always brings anticipation. At least it does for me. It's a combination of feelings: the unknown, predicting what happens next, and the eagerness to learn more. I breath, mentally reset, and focus my attention to the rest of the story. The same feeling has come over me as I walk into the next phase of my career.

My new chapter begins on Monday as Regional Director of Business Intelligence/SQL for Neudesic in the Pacific Northwest. I'll be building a team of BI consultants whose focus will be to work side-by-side with their clients to come up with the best strategies, the best business solutions, and develop the best people. That's everywhere from Northern California up through Washington! I'm very excited and eager to get started. I'll have a team waiting for me on day 1, but I can't wait to see our team's growth in 6-months, 1 year, or even 5 years from now.

These past couple of years being an independent consultant (RDP Streamline) and being part of the leadership at DesignMind have been the most fun I've had in my career to date. I sincerely appreciate the DesignMind organization for its wealth of experience and client base. All the clients and consultants I've worked with took great care of me and I of them. It always pleasantly surprised me to hear about solutions, tips, or SQL Community work that our team did which continues to help people today. After all, that's what drives me most of the time: helping people. Which reminds me of a conversation I had with my 16 year old over father's day.

Angel Jr and I were discussing college over Father's Day and when we started to talk about majors, he said, "Papa, I really don't know what I know what I want to do yet. I just like helping people." My response: "Me too, mijo. Me too." I continued to tell him that he had to find what he was passionate about. It may take a couple of tries, but all you can do is let your feet follow the desires of your heart. 

Onto the next chapter. 

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