Monday, August 16, 2010

Save Money with TechNet Subscription

As an IT professional, you're always learning of different programs companies offer to get your hands on software for evaluation and testing. Many software companies offer free trials which for may be suitable for some, but I've found instances where the trial version time period just isn't long enough.

For example, I just recently tried the free evaluation copy of Crystal Reports 2008 for suggestions to a client and found myself uninstalling/reinstalling the trial version 3 times in order to get most use of the software I needed. Only to find that after the 3rd time, I could not get it to work correctly at all. There has to be a better way.

Well Microsoft has come through for us IT developers/administrators/marketers that want not only to learn the software, but to live it and love it also. (I love when Dwayne Johnson From "The Game Plan" tells his newly found daughter, "This is the playbook honey... LEARN IT, LIVE IT, LOVE IT.") Microsoft now offers TechNet subscriptions for us in the IT industry to go the extra step in learning valuable technologies for business and home use at a reasonable price tag. The only caveat is that you have hardware to install all this software on. Some of it may be resource intensive like MOSS, SQL Server, and the like.

For more information, check out Paul Thurrott's blog post on the advantages of using TechNet.

The TechNet Subscription home page on Microsoft's site has all the specifics on price, Subscription comparison, and the software offerings that come with each. Go to for other resources such as developer tools and training resources.

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